Sunday, August 24, 2008

Celebrating Brad's Birthday

Today we headed to Bolsa Chica State Beach to celebrate Brad's 13th birthday. (Brad is the son of Kayley's Godfather,Kevin and Jacob's Godmother, Terri) The kids had so much fun. As you can see from the pictures it was beautiful. A little windy but nonetheless a great day. When we left home it was 97 degrees when we arrived at the beach it was 74. It doesn't get any better than that! In the pictures you'll see the kids enjoying the beach. The little boy in the picture with Kayley is Garrett, Kevin and Terri's Grandson. He is so cute. Kayley had a lot of fun with him and took tons of pictures of him. Also is a picture of Kayley and Brad. It's really hard to believe they are both 13 now. I remember when they were both babies like it was yesterday.


Jacob had his first scrimmage this weekend against a team from Hemet. (about 50 miles away and it's toward the desert so it was 98 degrees) It's actually his 3rd but I don't count the 1st two because they were against a team who knew all our plays and then when they'd ask us if we'd like to run the same play again they'd set us up to fail miserably. Isn't that great sportsmanship. (getting off my soapbox) Anyway in the one picture Jacob is the one blocking the other players. He did so good. He also managed to show a little of what Eddie and I affectionately refer to as "Goerlinger Attitude". Apparently some kid on the defensive line was trash talking Jacob and at the end of the play after Jacob laid a nice tackle down on him J looked at him and threw his hands up in the air as if to say so now what do you have to say. A bunch of the parents saw it and pointed it out to us. They all wanted to know what had happened. Of course when asked Jacob told them. The other picture Eddie really likes because it shows how big Jacob looks out there. The scrimmage went very well. According to Jacob we won 36-0. (we did) We had to remind him that this was just a scrimmage and for fun but just like anything else he knew exactly what the score was.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Well Rested Coach

Apparently this is what you do when you are not coaching baseball. This is a picture of a well rested coach at his son's football practice. This won't last long as baseball practice for Grant starts next week. So in the meantime he is going to get in as many zzz's as possible. By the way, he asked if this was how I felt when I sat at practices and games in the stands. I did have to remind him he had me keeping score, handing out papers or something else. So no I didn't know what this was like. LOL!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Weigh In Day

Just dropping in with a quick note! Jacob made weight. He lost a total of 9 lbs in a little over 2 weeks. By doing so it actually put him under the max weight for his division by 2lbs. He was thrilled to make weight today which means he stays with his team. I had to help work weight certification for a few hours so Jacob hung out with me at the high school where they did it. I gave him a few bucks to get something to eat and he celebrated with dippin dots. He's so excited to get to eat normally again. When we got home he ran and got a huge glass of milk. He usually drinks one big glass a day but hasn't been able to. He is one happy boy!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Grant lost his 1st tooth

Sunday Grant lost his 1st tooth. It's on the bottom. This is the best picture I could get. He did rake in some money because of it. Grandma Jane gave him $5, then he ended up with another $2, I believe from Grandpa Mike. Then the tooth fairy brought him another $2. He thought this was pretty awesome and is very excited that the tooth right next to the one he lost is also loose.

Kayley Cheer

Here are a few pictures from cheer. One of Kayley striking a pose. The other is of her and her "mini me" Kennedy. Kayley loves cheer, we may have found the sport! She however was our 1st injury of football season. Tonight she was kneed by one of the girls she was lifting in the nose. It is a little swollen. Luckily one of our coaches on Jacob's team is an EMT so he looked at it and said it's probably just swollen not broken. Poor thing. That had to hurt!

Protect your Quarterback

Here are a few pictures of Jacob from practice. In the picture just above Jacob is on the right, silver and black cleats, long sleeve shirt. Notice no one is getting near his quarterback. The other is a picture of Jacob blocking one of the coaches at practice. He is loving this sport. He has a few bruises but overall is doing very well.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Friday Nights are not the same

That's what Eddie says every Friday night. It's been this way for almost 2 months. Why you ask? His buddy Brian left him. He packed his bags, packed up his family and left him.....and the team. Eddie plays softball on Friday nights. He plays with a great group of guys. They have a lot of fun together. The problem is Brian is gone. They knew it was coming but were hoping it would fall thru. Brian and his family moved back to their hometown near Kansas City Missouri. Brian played left center field, they could almost always count on him for a homerun, and a beer after the game. Eddie says it's not the same you don't hear Brian yelling from the outfield when an awesome play is made. You don't hear him yelling at "Dickie". Granted they picked up 2 very good players to fill his shoes but it's still not the's not Brian. Eddie texts him every Friday to let him know what time the game is and on what field. He can't not do it.....his buddy is gone. Maybe just maybe they'll be lucky enough to get another game in with him....when he comes back to visit.....but until then Friday nights are just not the same.......

(this was written for Nikki....we miss you guys....ALOT!!!)

Saturday, August 9, 2008

It's finally Saturday

We made it thru the week. I am so glad it's finally Saturday. I did have to get up early this morning to go to paper certification for football. Thank goodness all the late hours and long days I pulled the past 3 days paid off because all my boys are certified and can play football, providing they make weigh in next week.

Jacob is loving football more and more. He learning all kinds of stuff. I really think his favorite drills are the hitting drills. The humidity here has been yucky this week. Last night he gave me his helmet so he could help his coach put the pads away. It was so wet inside it was gross. He told me he thinks he needs one of those under armour skull caps to help with it. Who knows? He is very close to making weight. He's 1 pound away on our scale so if he can drop 3 this week we should be good!

Kayley is having a great time with cheer. She loves the stunts. She is one of the people who help hold the girls and throw them. She commented the other day she didn't realize she was that strong. She's most impressed with the muscles she's developing in her arms legs. One of the younger girls on the squad who is 4 or 5 has really taken a liking to Kayley. Her name is Kennedy and she happens to be Jacob's coaches youngest daughter. She is so cute. I watched her and Kayley doing cheers together the other day. They were adorable.

Grant is a couple weeks from baseball starting. He takes his glove and ball to practice everyday so he and his Dad can play catch. That is when the craziness is going to start. When he's playing and the other 2 as well. The good news is Grant should have practice at the same park we are at so it will make it easier for us. His games will only be on Saturdays and should be between Jacob and Kayley's.

That's it for now. I'm off to take a nap since i've averaged about 5 hours sleep a night for the past few days

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

1st day of school!

Here they are on their 1st day of school. Kayley started 8th grade, Jacob 4th grade and Grant 1st grade. They are all in school all day now. As I said to Eddie this morning after they were all gone....Do you hear that? He said hear what? My answer: Exactly! You hear nothing but peace and quiet! LOL! They all did very well. Jacob did his usual see ya Mom & Dad quick hug and kiss and ditched us. He was eager to see his teacher Mrs. Saedi and see who all was in his class. Grant did awesome. Eddie was sure we would have some tears. Not one was shed. We told him all his buddies were in his class but as soon as he saw his best buddy he was a happy camper. He told me this afternoon he really liked his teacher Mrs. Knight. He thought she was very nice...just like I told him. We left the boys school and went and dropped Kayley at Jr. High. Her last year there. Of course her Dad embarassed her and kept yelling out the window bye Kayley, bye! Isn't it a parents job to do that to your teenager? She came home not as happy. She was supposed to get her language arts teacher from last year and didn't, was supposed to be in Honors science and wasn't and was supposed to be able to get her elective as ASB or teacher's aide and it wasn't. So I have already contacted the student advisor to make some changes. I wasn't happy about the supply list they are requiring. I think it's a bit much but that's another rant for another day. All in all it was a great day!

Jacob in football pads

Here he is in his football pads. Does he look mean or what?

Monday, August 4, 2008

Practice with Pads

So today was the big day, practice with pads. We exchanged all Jacob's stuff on Sunday and now have him in things that fit. Eddie had the day off so we went to Ken's Sporting Goods to get Jacob the stuff he needed for football (yes that's a shameless plug, they are a great shop that's not a big chain....highly recommend them) We got Jacob a girdle with 5 pads in it, a new chin strap, the soft cup, and a new mouth piece. We got him all suited up tonight. Eddie had to take Jacob as I had AD certification (more on that in a minute) Practice went well but I guess he was in a couple times crying (there went the no crying) because his helmet was too tight. Eddie finally got it all adjusted for him and he was good to go. Eddie said Jacob was practicing on the line. He is still learning. For instance when he was on the line I guess he had his head down. They had to tell him to look up. Luckily he got it right away. And he's having trouble with remembering to put his mouth piece in. Eddie said he did really good tonight and things should get better each day, especially with that helmet.

Ad Certification: Yep I got roped into being the Athletic Director for Jacob's team. It's actually very interesting and alot of fun. There is a lot of tedious work right now but luckily I have my "sister" or mirror mom with me. If it weren't for Tamerisa I probably wouldn't be doing this. (She's my mirror Mom because we are about the same age, her daughter and Kayley are the same age, her son and Jacob are the same age, and her other son and Grant are the same age. We joke that I screwed everything up because she had another baby and I got dogs. ) The athletic director is in charge of the entire team, the paperwork, the check in, you name it, I do it. The only thing i'm not doing is coaching the team. (thank goodness!) I had to get certified tonight and take a training class. I did learn alot so hopefully I won't screw too much up. HA!

So that's it for today. Tomorrow I'll post pictures and info about the 1st day of school!!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Blogs I visit

I added on the side a list of blogs I visit. The one I hit a couple times a week is Matt, Liz & Madeline. I don't know whether to blame or thank Melissa for giving me the information about this site. I will warn you it's very sad but also touching and at times, funny. I highly recommend if you visit it you read the backstory on it. Please don't blame me if you get addicted. I really don't blame Melissa.....I thank her. :)


Okay so I have pictures of both the boys. I figure I better get one of Kayley on here. Here she is. She will tell you this is an awful picture. I think she looks great. I promise to get cheer pictures this coming week to post. Those should be good. Maybe we could get one of her running. :)

Football Pads

So today Jacob got fitted for his practice uniform, pads and helmet. They weighed him before going in line and told us the boys had to go thru the line themselves parents were to stay back. Jacob got fitted for everything and received the special mask that lineman wear. Apparently they are putting him on the line. Not that he minds he can't wait. One of the coaches even mentioned he'd make a great center. Protect the quarterback they say, Jacob will do it he follows directions great. Anyway, he gets everything and we get home. Eddie had to help him with trying all the stuff on. I have no clue about any of this. It was hysterical to say the least. I don't know what moron decided that Jacob needed a youth small/medium shirt. (my apologies to any of the people who helped him with his fitting reading this..but really youth small/medium?) The kid weighs as of today 108 lbs. How many 108 pound kids do you know that can fit into that shirt. We tried it on him over the pads and it was skin tight. We might as well have painted it on him. Then it was time for the pants, we got youth medium. I could tell by looking at them they weren't going to fit. We put the pads in and we couldn't lace them up. Eddie called one of his buddies at the league and gave them crap. (joking around of course) He wanted to know if they were wearing g-strings instead of jock straps and if they were really supposed to paint on their pants. I say you should have let women do the fitting or the Mom's thru. Had I been in that line he wouldn't have come home with those sizes. They fit a kid like Grant not Jacob. Tomorrow, we meet to get bigger sizes. In the meantime enjoy the pictures of Jacob in the helmet and pads and in his "3 point" stance.

The worst week in Baseball according to Grant

In case you didn't know Grant is a die hard Angels fan. He wears an Angels shirt everyday. He records the games on the DVR so he can rewatch them the next day. He lives for this team and the game of baseball. So you can imagine how upset he was this week when Casey Kotchman the 1st baseman for the Angels was traded to the Atlanta Braves for Mark Teixeria. The world ended in our house. He was crushed, he didn't understand why they got rid of him. Not that Casey was his favorite player, that honor goes to Vlady! So how did Grant show his support for the former Angel? He now wears his Angels shirts with an Atlanta Braves hat. (thank goodness Daddy was able to get him one) I'm sure he'll come around in time and become a fan of Mark Teixeria but until then he will continue to mourn the trade and the worst week in baseball 2008.

Hell Month Begins

Jacob is playing football and hell month started this week. He has practice for 2 hours a day Monday-Friday. We were warned he'll whine, he'll complain, he'll say he's sore, he may throw up. Jacob did none of the above. He went out there gave it his all and alot of times was right in front of the pack. Not bad for one of the biggest kids on the team. The only bad news we got was he had to peel off 7 pounds by the August 16th weekend. He is down 3.5 after 4 days with 14 days to go. He'll make it no problem. Though he's not happy about giving up all the carbs and dairy. We told him after the 9am weigh in on the 16th we'll take him for a triple scoop hot fudge sundae with all the whip cream he wants. If that isn't incentive I don't know what is.

Kayley is going thru hell week too for cheer. It's amazing what they are making these cheerleaders do. They are running, doing pushups, doing situps oh and did I say running? Let's just say running is one of Kayley's least favorite things to do. It's been great for her and as she said at the end of Hell Month, week 1. I better have a body like Jessica Alba when I finish all this.

My favorite conversation this week was on the way home from practice on Monday night. Kayley was saying her legs hurt. Apparently they had them doing some sort of sit up with their legs in the air. Jacob chimed in well did you do bear crawls, those sit-ups are nothing compared to bear crawls. I loved listening to them compare who had the harder drills and i'm sure it wasn't the first or last time we'll hear a conversation like this.

Why Destination Unknown?

Why Destination unknown for a title? 1. It's one of my favorite songs by Missing Persons. 2. It's how I feel some days. I know i'm going somewhere to do something. 3. Sometimes that's just how life feels. Your destination is unknown. All I know is as long as I have Eddie and the kids with me I could care less where we end up.

The Beginning

So I decided to start a blog to keep everyone up with the family. It's easier than sitting down and writing a bunch of different emails. I am going to try my hardest to keep this update. My Mom actually came up with the idea of sending out the emails to keep everyone updated on the kids then I thought of the blogs. I have a couple I read a few times a week and thought heck if they can do it so can I.