In case you didn't know Grant is a die hard Angels fan. He wears an Angels shirt everyday. He records the games on the DVR so he can rewatch them the next day. He lives for this team and the game of baseball. So you can imagine how upset he was this week when Casey Kotchman the 1st baseman for the Angels was traded to the Atlanta Braves for Mark Teixeria. The world ended in our house. He was crushed, he didn't understand why they got rid of him. Not that Casey was his favorite player, that honor goes to Vlady! So how did Grant show his support for the former Angel? He now wears his Angels shirts with an Atlanta Braves hat. (thank goodness Daddy was able to get him one) I'm sure he'll come around in time and become a fan of Mark Teixeria but until then he will continue to mourn the trade and the worst week in baseball 2008.
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