So today Jacob got fitted for his practice uniform, pads and helmet. They weighed him before going in line and told us the boys had to go thru the line themselves parents were to stay back. Jacob got fitted for everything and received the special mask that lineman wear. Apparently they are putting him on the line. Not that he minds he can't wait. One of the coaches even mentioned he'd make a great center. Protect the quarterback they say, Jacob will do it he follows directions great. Anyway, he gets everything and we get home. Eddie had to help him with trying all the stuff on. I have no clue about any of this. It was hysterical to say the least. I don't know what moron decided that Jacob needed a youth small/medium shirt. (my apologies to any of the people who helped him with his fitting reading this..but really youth small/medium?) The kid weighs as of today 108 lbs. How many 108 pound kids do you know that can fit into that shirt. We tried it on him over the pads and it was skin tight. We might as well have painted it on him. Then it was time for the pants, we got youth medium. I could tell by looking at them they weren't going to fit. We put the pads in and we couldn't lace them up. Eddie called one of his buddies at the league and gave them crap. (joking around of course) He wanted to know if they were wearing g-strings instead of jock straps and if they were really supposed to paint on their pants. I say you should have let women do the fitting or the Mom's thru. Had I been in that line he wouldn't have come home with those sizes. They fit a kid like Grant not Jacob. Tomorrow, we meet to get bigger sizes. In the meantime enjoy the pictures of Jacob in the helmet and pads and in his "3 point" stance.
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