Saturday, August 9, 2008

It's finally Saturday

We made it thru the week. I am so glad it's finally Saturday. I did have to get up early this morning to go to paper certification for football. Thank goodness all the late hours and long days I pulled the past 3 days paid off because all my boys are certified and can play football, providing they make weigh in next week.

Jacob is loving football more and more. He learning all kinds of stuff. I really think his favorite drills are the hitting drills. The humidity here has been yucky this week. Last night he gave me his helmet so he could help his coach put the pads away. It was so wet inside it was gross. He told me he thinks he needs one of those under armour skull caps to help with it. Who knows? He is very close to making weight. He's 1 pound away on our scale so if he can drop 3 this week we should be good!

Kayley is having a great time with cheer. She loves the stunts. She is one of the people who help hold the girls and throw them. She commented the other day she didn't realize she was that strong. She's most impressed with the muscles she's developing in her arms legs. One of the younger girls on the squad who is 4 or 5 has really taken a liking to Kayley. Her name is Kennedy and she happens to be Jacob's coaches youngest daughter. She is so cute. I watched her and Kayley doing cheers together the other day. They were adorable.

Grant is a couple weeks from baseball starting. He takes his glove and ball to practice everyday so he and his Dad can play catch. That is when the craziness is going to start. When he's playing and the other 2 as well. The good news is Grant should have practice at the same park we are at so it will make it easier for us. His games will only be on Saturdays and should be between Jacob and Kayley's.

That's it for now. I'm off to take a nap since i've averaged about 5 hours sleep a night for the past few days

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